Friday, September 21, 2012

[From the Sketchbook] Yes, that is the inside of my refrigerator.


Another homework assignment; I assure you, I am not as inventive (or food-obsessed) as this. I would have never thought to draw the inside of my fridge.

Pen and colored pencil.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

[From the Sketchbook] Gearing Up


More from my sketchbook class! 
I drew parts of my bicycle, then added some watercolor washes.

Pen and watercolor.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oil Still Life I


I had stubbornly avoided oil painting through the majority of my time at my university, but I could ignore it no longer; I finally took an oil class. I was quite sure that I wouldn't like this medium. 
Despite my best efforts...I think I may be warming up to oil. Stinky paint thinners, ridiculously long drying times, and all.

Still life in black and white, 16"x20."


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

[From the Sketchbook] Camptosaurus Dispar


I spent some time at the dinosaur museum with my sketchbook class the other day.
This big guy caught my attention:
