Saturday, December 7, 2013

Chalkboard Sketch: Surrender

I've had this idea in my head for a year (ish) now, and I'm finally sketching it out. I've just begun working on the "real" version, which will likely be rectangular.

This piece is about surrendering my desires, letting them drift away, and trusting them to God.


Chalkboard sketch


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Koi Pond


Koi Pond
2x4', ink and acrylic on birch wood panel

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This is the last painting I did for my university before graduating. All my "important" projects were out of the way, so I wanted to have fun with this one. I tried to be quick and loose and not hold anything "too precious," as my professor would say. In the end this was one of my favorites.

I painted this from a picture of my beautiful friend, Nicole, while we were spending time with friends in Ouray, CO.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Sweet Child


This summer I went to southeast asia with some good friends of mine. Among other things, we were able to visit a few orphanages. We met amazing people and played with many little kids who were starving for some one-on-one time with someone who cared.

A sketch from a picture that I took of this precious one at a Catholic orphanage.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Love Letters


Love Letters 
various sizes, panels with pen and acrylic and woodblocks with ink 

Bachelor of Fine Arts Studio Art Senior Exhibition


Monday, April 8, 2013

Before the Dawn


Before the Dawn
Woodblock with ink, 2x4'

This is a 3/4" piece of birch plywood that I etched, then rolled with ink and pressed on paper to create a print. Normally, this woodblock is not considered to be the art piece itself, but the means to put the art onto the paper. Personally, I usually prefer the wood itself to the print. 


This woodblock is also a companion piece to my painting, Awakening.

Thursday, April 4, 2013



4x2', ink and oil on wood.

A portrait of one of my best and longest friends. This was a project that I got to do just for fun in one of my painting classes last semester.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Inflowing Life


Inflowing Life
Pencil and acrylic on a wood panel, 4x2'


A local church was putting on a prayer event and asked if I wanted to join three other artists in painting during the event. The event was called "Overflow;" the idea being that God's love flows into our hearts, then overflows to others. Three of us used water themes in our paintings. It was great to see the variety in our work. All four paintings were unique, yet equally important.
This is my contribution. For reference I used a couple of photos of a friend that I had taken this summer in the Colorado mountains.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Love Letters: 112 Sketches

Love Letters
Wood, 2x2" each, pen, ink, and acrylic.

These are portraits of my family and friends, drawn and painted mostly from pictures that I took. This was done for a class assignment: 100 paintings in two weeks. Thanks to the panels that are simply writing or washes, I was able to finish this in time (I was worried). One scary aspect of this project: letting mistakes happen. Due to the amount needed and the time constraint, I couldn't be picky. That somewhat annoyed me, but it mostly freed me to be loose and  sketchy. If a piece didn't turn out quite right, I called it "character" and moved on.
This has plenty of character.

The "Love Letters" concept has two facets:
The first refers to the panels that only have writing on them; these are mostly scripture. I  consider these to be "love letters" from God to us.
The second idea has to do with the portraits themselves. I believe that in a person's face is the evidence of careful consideration and the loving touch of a Master artist. We are God's artistry, or "letters."

2 Corinthians 3:3
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."

View more pictures of the individual portraits on my Facebook page:
